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Pain Control Regimen

* Stay on top of your pain for the first 48 hours. Set your alarm throughout the day and night to keep on schedule. It can take 6-8 hours to get your pain under control if you get behind.

*Your goal is to be off taking narcotic medication by 2 weeks post operatively.

*Multiple studies show improved outcomes in patient’s who take less narcotics.

**It is important to take all non-narcotic pain medication prior to taking tramadol or oxycodone

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 500 mg:

  • This is an analgesic medication for pain relief.
  • Take two tablets every six hours on a scheduled basis, not as needed.
  • Do not take more than 4000 mg a day

Celebrex 200 mg or Mobic 15 mg:

  • These are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for relief of moderate pain and swelling.
  • Discontinue all other anti-inflammatories.
  • Take these medications scheduled, not as needed.
  • Celebrex 200 mg: Take one tablet twice a day on a scheduled basis for 14 days
    • You can take Mobic if you have a sulfa allergy or insurance doesn’t cover Celebrex
  • Mobic 15 mg: Take one tablet once a day for 28 days

Lyrica (Pregablin) 75mg:

  • This is a nerve medicine that has been shown to decrease narcotic requirements.
  • Take one tablet at bedtime. It can cause drowsiness. 
  • This medicine is sometimes not covered by insurance or is too pricey. If this is the case, you can leave this prescription unfilled

Tramadol 50 mg:

  • This is a mild opioid pain medication.
  • This should be taken after Tylenol and Celebrex/Mobic but before oxycodone.
  • Take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed for moderate to severe pain.
  • The goal is to discontinue this medication by 2-4 weeks post operatively

Oxycodone 5 mg:

  • This is an opioid pain medication for severe pain after surgery.
  • Take 1 tablet every 6 hours as needed for severe pain.
  • The goal is to discontinue this medication by 2 weeks after surgery.

Flexeril (Cyclobenzaprine) 10 mg:

  • This is a muscle relaxer used to treat muscle pain.
  • Take one tablet three times a day as needed for pain.

Pepcid (Famotidine) 20 mg:

  • Take one tablet daily while taking Aspirin and Celebrex/Mobic

Docusate Sodium 100 mg:

  • This is a stool softener to use to prevent constipation.
  • Take one tablet twice a day as needed for constipation

You may return to work when your orthopedic surgeon clears you.  Follow up with Dr. Carpenter in 2 weeks for a wound check as previously scheduled.

  • The Ortho Answer
  • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
  • American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
  • International Congress for Joint Reconstruction
  • Auburn University
  • The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
  • Emory University - Leading Research University in Atlanta GA
  • New York University
  • Insall Scott Kelly Institute for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine